Serration Plug Gauges
Serration Plug gauges to check the internal dimensions of the cord: – These gauges are supplied in “GO” and “NOGO” sets. The “GO” spline connection indicators check the actual size reached after taking into account the manufacturing tolerance and the fault tolerance for elements such as PCD profile, index, and design.
Types of internal and external pressure gauges include full-form composite sleeves and plug and ring NOGO manometers. A range of steels is used, including general tool steels and high-speed steels, using good heat treatment to ensure wear resistance and dimensional stability.
The “NO GO” manometer is a type of sectorial manometer and is designed for separate verification of individual elements, such as the main diameter or the width of the space. For minor checks. of internal splines, only simple ‘GO’ and ‘NOGO’ indicators are used.
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